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How to noindex urls with rank math

How to noindex urls with rank math

There are a variety of reasons and scenarios why you would want to keep posts and pages out of search results. Rank Math makes it simple to set a post, page, or product to NoIndex.

In this article, I will teach you how to set portfolios pages to NoIndex with the Rank Math SEO plugin, in ONE click, but the same principles apply to pages, products, custom post types, and taxonomies.

First, you need to log in to your WordPress website. click all portfolios. you can set your pages to Noindex in bulk or individually. I will show you first how to noindex a portfolio URL individually.

Click on Quick Edit. under Robots Meta. select No index. click on update.

How To Noindex Urls In Bulk With Rank Math Seo Plugin?

Select the URLs pages you want to set for noindex. Click Bulk actions. select set to noindex. click on apply.

This is how you set portfolios pages to NoIndex with the Rank Math SEO plugin. I hope this information would be helpful for you.